Pedatric Care

Chiropractic Care for Childen

Common Illnesses Chiropractic Care Can Help With
By removing the stress on the child’s nervous system, we can help them experience better health and ensure they thrive.
Ear Infections
Ear infections are common in children, a frustrating and painful condition that is hard to treat. But a 1996 study from the Journal of Manipulative Physiology found that 93% of kids recovered from ear infections within 10 days of chiropractic care. The Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics found in another study that children with recurrent ear infections who had been receiving conventional medical treatment for six months with no relief improved at five visits to a chiropractor.
Chiropractic care can also help with one of the most frustrating conditions for babies (and parents). After just two to three adjustments, 91% of the132 parents surveyed by the European Journal of Chiropractic said their baby’s colic improved after two to three adjustments by a chiropractor. According to the Journal of Manipulative Physiology, 94% of 316 babies with colic were followed and found relief through chiropractic care.
A study published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research found that after two months of chiropractic care 90% of 81 children enrolled experienced a better quality of life, as did 76.5% of children surveyed for another study published in the Bulletin of the European Chiropractic Union.